FOTRIC 326 vs FLUKE TiS60 Handheld Thermal Imaging Camera Comparison

What's the difference between the FOTRIC 326 and FLUKE TiS60 handheld infrared thermal cameras?

Fotric 326_vs_Fluke TiS60_comparison_image


 Key Differences

 FOTRIC 326 Thermal Camera FLUKE TiS60 Thermal Camera
  • IR Resolution: 384x288, 110,592 pixels
  • Spatial Resolution: 1.27 mRad
  • Sensitivity: 0.06°C@30°C
  • Temperature Range-4°F to 1,202°F
  • Temperature Analysis: 5 spots 5 boxes 1 line
  • Smartphone Connection: USB OTG
  • Short Radiometric Video: Available on the smartphone
  • Instant Image Analysis: Available on the smartphone
  • Emissivity for each ROI on Camera: Available on the smartphone
  • Frame Rate: 30 Hz
  • Lens Aperture: f/1.0, large aperture
  • Battery: Standard camera battery.
  • Price: $2,999
  • IR Resolution: 260x195, 50,700 pixels
  • Spatial Resolution: 2.4 mRad
  • Sensitivity: 0.08°C@30°C
  • Temperature Range: -4°F to 1,022°F
  • Temperature Analysis: 3 spots 1 box
  • Smartphone Connection: WiFi
  • Short Radiometric Video: No
  • Instant Image Analysis: No
  • Emissivity for each ROI on Camera: No
  • Frame Rate: 9 Hz
  • Lens Aperture: ??
  • Battery: Special order battery.
  • Price: $4,399


 Key Feature Differences

 The top (1st) key difference between these two thermal cameras is the infrared detector resolution - Fotric 326 has 384x288 resolution compared to 260x195 resolution on the Fluke TiS60 (118% more pixels on Fotric 326, or 59,892 more pixels). It means the Fotric 326 will provide higher quality and larger radiometric images, and can reveal more details. 

 The second (2nd) key difference between Fotric 326 and Fluke TiS60 thermal camera is sensitivity (NETD). Fotric 326 has better thermal sensitivity and can detect a smaller temperature difference. 

 The third (3rd) key difference between Fotric 326 and Fluke TiS60 thermal camera is the support of the smartphone. Fotric 326 thermal camera supports smartphone as the operational screen display and data processing with a smartphone APP, Fotric LinkIR. While Fluke TiS60 supports connection with a smartphone via WiFi to stream the image. You can always upgrade the smartphone to upgrade the overall Fotric 326 thermal camera performance while nothing you can do to the Fluke TiS60 thermal camera.

 The fourth (4th) key difference between Fotric 326 and Fluke TiS60 thermal camera is the frame. Fotric 326 thermal camera has a 30Hz frame rate while Fluke TiS60 has a 9Hz frame rate. Fotric 326 thermal camera has a much faster response when you turn the camera around to check different objects. 

 Product Specifications

  Fotric 326 Fluke TiS60
IR Detector Size 384 x 288 Pixels 260 x 195 Pixels
Thermal Sensitivity <0.06°C (60mK) NETD <0.08°C (80mK) NETD
Temperature Range -4°F to 1,202°F -4°F to 1,022°F
Frame Rate 30 Hz 9 Hz
Field of View 28x21 Degrees 35.7x26.8 Degrees
Spatial Resolution (IFOV) 1.27 mrad 2.4 mrad
Screen Size 3.5 Inch / 5.5 Inch 3.5 Inch
IR/Overlay Fusion Image Yes Yes
Video Output Yes. PAL/NTSC composite Yes
Lens Focus Adjustable Adjustable
Laser Pointer Yes Yes
Picture-in-Picture Yes Yes
Radiometric Video Recording Yes on Smartphone No
Moveable Spots 5 spots 3 spots
Moveable Boxes 5 boxes 1 box
Moveable Lines 1 line No
Touch Screen Display Yes, on Smartphone No
Minimum Focus Distance 0.5 Ft (0.15m) 0.5 Ft (0.15m)
Accuracy ±2% or 2°C ±2% or 2°C
Battery Use Time 2.5 hours 4 hours
Battery Type Standard Li-ion Fluke's Li-ion
Camera Light Yes No
IR Digital Zoom Yes, on Smartphone No
Voice Annotation Yes, 60 seconds Yes
Data Logging Yes yes




Calibration Included Factory Calibration Factory Calibration
Power Supply Voltage 120V/220V Universal 120V/220V Universal
Interfaces I/O Micro USB Wifi, USB
Storage SD card 16GB, upgradable Internal Memory 4GB
IP Rating IP54 IP54
Product Weight 1.006 kg (2.2 lbs) 0.726 kg (1.6 lbs)
Battery Type Li-ion Li-ion



Level and Span

Yes, adjustable

Yes, adjustable

   *   Fully-radiometric short thermal video stream refers that each frame of the video stream preserves the original temperature of each pixel.

Note: Information is collected from the internet and for reference only. 

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