FOTRIC 348A 346A 345M Thermal Camera Quick Start Guide, AnalyzIR Software, Manuals and Videos

FOTRIC 348A 347A 346A 345M Thermal Camera Quick Start Guide, AnalyzIR software, manuals and videos

1. Unbox and Quick start guide of to set up Fotric 348A/346A/345M thermal imagers

  • Decide the distance away from the camera for the intended temperature screening

Video: Fotric 340 Series Thermal Camera Unboxing and Quick Start Fotric 348A Fotric 346A Fotric 345M Imager


Video: Fotric 340 Series Thermal Camera Advanced Instruction Video Fotric 348A Fotric 346A Fotric 345M


2. Quick start manual and operation manual


3. Fotric AnalyzIR Software and User Manual

Administrator right user is needed to install the Fotric AnalyzIR software correctly!

  • Install or repair the Visual C++ options (there are separate pop-up windows for Visual C++ installation)
  • USB driver should be installed automatically if you follow the software installation steps (there are separate pop-up windows for USB driver installation)


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